Bill Richardson's withdrawal a major disappointment

govbill.jpgAs someone who wanted to see Gov. Richardson as Obama's VP pick or Secretary of State, I am deeply disappointed by today's turn of events.  Gov. Richardson is without a doubt one of the best quailified cabinet appointees, a brilliant politician with valuable experience from his service to the U.N., as an Energy Secretary under Clinton and as the Governor of New Mexico.

It saddens me to see the most prominent Hispanic politician within the Democratic party, a guy with great charisma and a great deal to offer his country, be forced to withdraw from public service due to a campaign fund scandal.  I hope James Carville's predictions won't come true but he thinks that history and all odds suggest that the Democrats will continue to be rocked by scandals and Republican witch-hunts a la Kenneth Starr.  

It is so sad that in spite of hopes to the contrary... we're cointinuing to see "politics as usual" in Washington. Afţakkar embćtti viđskiptaráđherra
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