Bilateral agreements and the EU - Icelandic Christian Conservatives - Obama misses the point

vinaţjóđirIceland has long enjoyed excellent relations with the United States of America and it has been our good fortune to share cultural and economic ties with our American friends, that far exceed those of most European nations.  Perhaps our close kinship with North America is partially thanks to Iceland´s geographical location as well as our free thinking spirit, inherited from our ancestors who fled half way to America to escape the European-style oppression found in the old Norse Monarchy. 

össurToday, Iceland´s acting foreign minister, Össur Skarphéđinsson, signed new bilateral trade- and investment agreements with the USA and expressed interest in making further agreements pertaining to securing Icelandic citizens special VISAs to the US, making travel and commerce between the two nations much easier.

When discussing the EU question, we must not forget that if Iceland joins the EU - there would be no more bilateral agreements with anyone.  Iceland would be forced to trade almost exclusively with other EU member states and mandated tariffs would almost certainly slice trade with the U.S. (now worth over 100 billion icelandic kronur per annum) quite dramatically.  Is that what we need?  Or should Iceland aim to adopt the Dollar and perhaps seek to join NAFTA?  I don´t know...I´m just asking!


burning-cross_771629.jpgI was somewhat surprised and saddened to see the introduction of a new political party in Iceland today.  The "Nordic Conservative Party" claims to be a Scandinavian-type right wing party, whose goals are to join the EU and reduce American influence on Icelandic culture!  Furthermore their goals are to strenghen the National Church of Iceland and force cultural and ethcial changes towards "traditional Christian values"! Sick  Oh and of course they also want to create an Icelandic military force!  

Yikes... is it just me or do they sound like fascist lunatics???  I don´t believe Icelanders will take these clowns seriously... but then again...the current political situation in Iceland may be becoming a breeding ground for the rise of all kinds of dangerous nut jobs.  Seriously folks!  Be aware!


gene-robinson-gay-bishop.jpgFinally some Obama news - In an effort to appease his gay supporters who were heartbroken by his selection of homophobic pastor Rick Warren to perform the invocation at his inauguration - Obama yesterday announced that also performing at the inauguration will be none other than Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in America.  While the GLBT community appreciates the nod - I believe Obama completely missed the point!  We don´t need a gay priest!  Religion and Government does not mix!!!  Why not skip both Warren and Robinson and skip using the bible when swearing in and skip using the words "So help me God"!

Dear President Obama:  While I appreciate your effort to correct your misstake in selecting Rick Warren and your attempt to calm down your substantially large gay base (oh and thanks for addressing the "Don´t ask - Don´t tell" policy in the military by the way) - you nevertheless continue to alienate a rapidly growing segment of Americans - Atheists!  

Why - in spite of your message of incluision - do we not have a place at your table, Mr. Pesident? Samningur um viđskipti Íslands og Bandaríkjanna
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

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1 identicon

Finally, finally, finally we sign some kind of a trade contract with the US. I don´t know what it includes, but almost no Icelanders know that we punish import of American goods (since joining EFTA in 1978) by adding 10% extra import tax on these compared to the goods originated in EFTA countries. And this is not a small amount of the goods imported. By this way, Icelanders have been hindering greatly import of American goods, although often cheaper than those available in the EFTA countries. Of course we should have joined NAFTA many years ago, enjoying the benefits of both contracts. Without questions !


Örn Johnson ´43 (IP-tala skráđ) 15.1.2009 kl. 21:32

2 Smámynd: Róbert Björnsson

Thanks for the comment Örn - Let´s hope this is a step in the right direction!

Róbert Björnsson, 15.1.2009 kl. 23:02

3 Smámynd: Rúnar Ţór Ţórarinsson

Uhm... amen to that and halelúja?

We atheists need a good symbol of some sort. Jews have got a star and a candlestick, christians have a cross and the catholics have the holy virgin (lolz) - What should atheists use as a symbol of unity?

A 42 sided dice? A bust of Charles Darwin? 

Rúnar Ţór Ţórarinsson, 18.1.2009 kl. 09:44

4 Smámynd: Róbert Björnsson

Hehe well although 42 is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and also has way to many Christian connections...

Richard Dawkins came up with this rather simple "A" logo to go with his ad campaign...  I don't know tho...doesn't work for non-english speakers really...I mean the A could mean anything...

And then of course there's the Humanist logo

I don't know... most atheists are realists, free thinkers...but its hard to find a symbol that is void of...well duh symbolism and idolatry... perhaps some mathematical shapes...but most of them have been taken by the Free Masons already....tsk, tsk...

Róbert Björnsson, 18.1.2009 kl. 10:20

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