Failure is Not an Option!
18.1.2009 | 08:18
True leaders are only born during times of crisis. When faced with overwhelming challenges - true leaders emerge just as the outlook is at its bleakest - and bring with them a new dawn of hope and determination!
The amazing story of Apollo 13 captures the true essense of leadership - as flight director Gene Kranz (played by Ed Harris in the movie) takes control of the situation in a calm professional manner. He demanded the very best out of his crew and convinced everyone that they were going to succeed against all odds. What appeared to be becoming NASA's worst catastrophe - instead became NASA's finest hour!
I'm reminded of this mindset everyday as I walk past my refrigerator and see a magnet I bought as a souvenir at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, with the words: "Failure is Not an Option". I try my best to live by that slogan.
I was deeply encouraged last night when I heard a reporter ask Barack Obama what his Plan B case his actions to revive the economy failed - Obama replied: "Failure is Not an Option...this is America we're talking about!" - I know Obama will succeed - there is no acceptable alternative.
If only Iceland had such a leader today. If only Iceland had hope and inspiration. If only Iceland had the good fortune of ridding itself of its incompetent and complacent leadership and realized that FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! Iceland MUST shed the fear and despair and make the decision to OVERCOME!
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Meginflokkur: Bloggar | Aukaflokkar: Fjármál, Lífstíll, Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt 19.1.2009 kl. 02:10 | Facebook
Sigurđur Ţorsteinsson, 18.1.2009 kl. 09:14
You got helluva good point there dude.
Heimir Tómasson, 20.1.2009 kl. 03:46
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