Movie Review: Milk *****

I recently watched Sean Penn's newly released masterpiece, Milk, and boy was I impressed!  Milk is a biographical-drama based on the true story of the life and untimely death of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States in 1978.  Harvey Milk was elected City Supervisor in San Fransisco, representing the Castro district, which was at the time turning into the world's first "gay village" and the epicenter of the newly established gay rights movement.

milkquote.gifHarvey Milk was at front and center when the first ever victory for the gay rights movement was won as Californian voters turned down "Proposition 6" or the "Briggs Initiative" which was led by Anita Bryant and would have banned gays and lesbians and anyone who publically supported gay rights from working in California's Public Schools.  Harvey Milk was later assassinated by his conservative competitor on the City-council, Dan White, brilliantly played by Josh Brolin in the movie.

Directed by Gus Van Sant, Milk tells the tale of a hero and a martyr.  Yet the movie does not take itself too seriously nor is it preachy.  Anyone will enjoy this film as it's message is relevant to all of's not just aimed at gay rights activists and those interested in their history.  Milk is a thought provoking film that asks us to question our values.  Keep a box of tissues handy.  In one particularly touchy scene, Harvey receives a phonecall from a gay teenager in Minnesota who says he is about to commit suicide as his parents had decided to send him to a Christian hospital to cure him of his homosexuality.  As Harvey tries to tell the boy to pack his bags and run away to the nearest big city, the camera angle widens up to reveal that the boy is confined to a wheelchair.

Milk2.jpgIn a year following the devestating loss of California's "Prop 8" this movie will hopefully serve to open the eyes of decent people everywhere who are perhaps still struggling with their homophobia, as the fight for equality continues around the world.  Harvey Milk lives on in the memory of all gay Americans who recognize him as a brave pioneer who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the cause.  To me his is an idol much like Icelandic activist and founder of the Icelandic gay rights movement, Hörđur Torfason.

Milk hits Icelandic cinemas in February and will receive a broader release in the US as the Award Season heats up this month and many pundits expect Sean Penn to be nominated for as Oscar for his interpretation.  For those who use torrents, I happen to know that the movie is widely available there for download...while I am in no way condoning nor encouraging illegal downloading (unless you promise to buy the DVD later! Wink).   If for no other reason, you should watch this movie just to see the painfully attractive James Franco who playes Harvey´s boyfriend! InLove    Oh and here´s a trailer for the movie.

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