Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, janúar 2009
Bilateral agreements and the EU - Icelandic Christian Conservatives - Obama misses the point
15.1.2009 | 19:44
Iceland has long enjoyed excellent relations with the United States of America and it has been our good fortune to share cultural and economic ties with our American friends, that far exceed those of most European nations. Perhaps our close kinship with North America is partially thanks to Iceland´s geographical location as well as our free thinking spirit, inherited from our ancestors who fled half way to America to escape the European-style oppression found in the old Norse Monarchy.
Today, Iceland´s acting foreign minister, Össur Skarphéđinsson, signed new bilateral trade- and investment agreements with the USA and expressed interest in making further agreements pertaining to securing Icelandic citizens special VISAs to the US, making travel and commerce between the two nations much easier.
When discussing the EU question, we must not forget that if Iceland joins the EU - there would be no more bilateral agreements with anyone. Iceland would be forced to trade almost exclusively with other EU member states and mandated tariffs would almost certainly slice trade with the U.S. (now worth over 100 billion icelandic kronur per annum) quite dramatically. Is that what we need? Or should Iceland aim to adopt the Dollar and perhaps seek to join NAFTA? I don´t know...I´m just asking!
I was somewhat surprised and saddened to see the introduction of a new political party in Iceland today. The "Nordic Conservative Party" claims to be a Scandinavian-type right wing party, whose goals are to join the EU and reduce American influence on Icelandic culture! Furthermore their goals are to strenghen the National Church of Iceland and force cultural and ethcial changes towards "traditional Christian values"!
Oh and of course they also want to create an Icelandic military force!
Yikes... is it just me or do they sound like fascist lunatics??? I don´t believe Icelanders will take these clowns seriously... but then again...the current political situation in Iceland may be becoming a breeding ground for the rise of all kinds of dangerous nut jobs. Seriously folks! Be aware!
Finally some Obama news - In an effort to appease his gay supporters who were heartbroken by his selection of homophobic pastor Rick Warren to perform the invocation at his inauguration - Obama yesterday announced that also performing at the inauguration will be none other than Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in America. While the GLBT community appreciates the nod - I believe Obama completely missed the point! We don´t need a gay priest! Religion and Government does not mix!!! Why not skip both Warren and Robinson and skip using the bible when swearing in and skip using the words "So help me God"!
Dear President Obama: While I appreciate your effort to correct your misstake in selecting Rick Warren and your attempt to calm down your substantially large gay base (oh and thanks for addressing the "Don´t ask - Don´t tell" policy in the military by the way) - you nevertheless continue to alienate a rapidly growing segment of Americans - Atheists!
Why - in spite of your message of incluision - do we not have a place at your table, Mr. Pesident?
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Samningur um viđskipti Íslands og Bandaríkjanna |
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Obama visits Lincoln Memorial and munches on a chili-dog
12.1.2009 | 06:41

Meanwhile, he took his family to visit the Lincoln Memorial last night after enjoying a nice quarter pound Chili-cheese dog at a Washington fast food joint. Abe Lincoln of course is Obama's favorite president and the two have a lot in common. Obama served as a Senator representing the "Lincoln State" of Illinois and announced his run for the presidency on the steps of the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, where Abe served as well. Lets just hope that Obama's legacy will be equally impressive and that he avoids the tragic fate of Abe, who as we all remember, was assassinated at the Ford's Theater in Washington, by confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. Did I mention that Abe rejected organized religion, fought to end slavery and that there is considerable evidence suggesting he was America's first gay president! Seriously - check out this NY Times article if ya don't believe me!
On a personal note, I must say I love chili-dogs!'s quite a strange feeling to see pictures of Obama at the Lincoln Memorial just a few weeks after I was there myself, taking in the sights.
Pretty damn cool. Which reminds me...I've uploaded a bunch of pictures from my recent trip to D.C. online for your viewing pleasure (click here to access my photo album).
I still have hope in Obama...even though he plans to say "so help me God" during his inauguration and that he plans to use Lincoln's Bible for the swearing in...AND...most disturbingly...that he plans to invite fundamentalist pastor Rick Warren to perform the invocation. If he stays true to his promises once in office...I'm willing to look past all that...for now.
Oh and here are some videos from my D.C. trip and also from when I went to see Obama in St. Paul last summer...some of my "awesomest" memories from last year!
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Obama fékk sér chilipylsu |
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Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 06:55 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (4)
Bill Richardson's withdrawal a major disappointment
4.1.2009 | 19:56
As someone who wanted to see Gov. Richardson as Obama's VP pick or Secretary of State, I am deeply disappointed by today's turn of events. Gov. Richardson is without a doubt one of the best quailified cabinet appointees, a brilliant politician with valuable experience from his service to the U.N., as an Energy Secretary under Clinton and as the Governor of New Mexico.
It saddens me to see the most prominent Hispanic politician within the Democratic party, a guy with great charisma and a great deal to offer his country, be forced to withdraw from public service due to a campaign fund scandal. I hope James Carville's predictions won't come true but he thinks that history and all odds suggest that the Democrats will continue to be rocked by scandals and Republican witch-hunts a la Kenneth Starr.
It is so sad that in spite of hopes to the contrary... we're cointinuing to see "politics as usual" in Washington.
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Afţakkar embćtti viđskiptaráđherra |
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Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:22 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Kevin Love shines in win over Chicago Bulls
4.1.2009 | 10:05

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NBA: Parker tryggđi SA Spurs sigur međ flautukörfu |
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Movie Review: Milk *****
4.1.2009 | 08:53
I recently watched Sean Penn's newly released masterpiece, Milk, and boy was I impressed! Milk is a biographical-drama based on the true story of the life and untimely death of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States in 1978. Harvey Milk was elected City Supervisor in San Fransisco, representing the Castro district, which was at the time turning into the world's first "gay village" and the epicenter of the newly established gay rights movement.
Harvey Milk was at front and center when the first ever victory for the gay rights movement was won as Californian voters turned down "Proposition 6" or the "Briggs Initiative" which was led by Anita Bryant and would have banned gays and lesbians and anyone who publically supported gay rights from working in California's Public Schools. Harvey Milk was later assassinated by his conservative competitor on the City-council, Dan White, brilliantly played by Josh Brolin in the movie.
Directed by Gus Van Sant, Milk tells the tale of a hero and a martyr. Yet the movie does not take itself too seriously nor is it preachy. Anyone will enjoy this film as it's message is relevant to all of's not just aimed at gay rights activists and those interested in their history. Milk is a thought provoking film that asks us to question our values. Keep a box of tissues handy. In one particularly touchy scene, Harvey receives a phonecall from a gay teenager in Minnesota who says he is about to commit suicide as his parents had decided to send him to a Christian hospital to cure him of his homosexuality. As Harvey tries to tell the boy to pack his bags and run away to the nearest big city, the camera angle widens up to reveal that the boy is confined to a wheelchair.
In a year following the devestating loss of California's "Prop 8" this movie will hopefully serve to open the eyes of decent people everywhere who are perhaps still struggling with their homophobia, as the fight for equality continues around the world. Harvey Milk lives on in the memory of all gay Americans who recognize him as a brave pioneer who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the cause. To me his is an idol much like Icelandic activist and founder of the Icelandic gay rights movement, Hörđur Torfason.
Milk hits Icelandic cinemas in February and will receive a broader release in the US as the Award Season heats up this month and many pundits expect Sean Penn to be nominated for as Oscar for his interpretation. For those who use torrents, I happen to know that the movie is widely available there for download...while I am in no way condoning nor encouraging illegal downloading (unless you promise to buy the DVD later! ). If for no other reason, you should watch this movie just to see the painfully attractive James Franco who playes Harvey´s boyfriend!
Oh and here´s a trailer for the movie.
Kvikmyndir | Breytt s.d. kl. 09:16 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
A hobo's feast and Al is up by 49 votes!
4.1.2009 | 00:01
As the recount in the Minnesota Senate race continues, my buddy Al Franken has taken a 49 vote lead over Norm Coleman as both sides continue to file lawsuits to contest unclear and absentee ballots. Senate Republicans have threatened a filibuster against confirming Franken in case he gets declared the winner. I thought I'd show you this autographed poster that still hangs on my case you were wondering on which side I'm on.
Oh and here's a picture of my New Year's dinner hehe...which due to budget issues was rather...erhm...shall we say spartan? Still, notice the quality Danish Lurpak butter and the sparkling swedish non-alcoholic apple juice. Oh and Spam is a product of Minnesota...ya, you betcha!
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Winds of Change
3.1.2009 | 23:05
Dear friends,
As we enter the new year, most of us are filled with emotions of anticipation, uncertainty and justifiable fear. Yet the feeling of HOPE is still alive in our hearts as we march on to face the daunting challenges that lie ahead. In a changing world where old ideologies have crumbled, a new brave world must rise from the ashes! Failure is not an option.
To my Icelandic blog-friends: I have decided to make the following changes to my blog while I continue to explore other blog-venues that are totally free of censorship. For the time being I have decided to remain here.
1. From now on, all my posts will be written in English in order to expand my audience to include my American friends and neighbors. I'm sure most of my Icelandic blog-friends are fluent in English anyway so I hope they will not be affected by this change. Please feel free to continue to leave comments in Icelandic if you prefer. I may also post some blogs in both English and Icelandic - especially if I link to news articles on the news-site. I may also translate some of my older posts to English in the near future.2. As a way to protest the decision of the editors of and to limit the freedom of speech of those individuals who prefer to blog anonymously by preventing them from linking blogs to news articles and trying to make their blogs invisible, I have taken the following steps:
From now on my full legal name and picture will not appear on the frontpage of this blog. This is done to show my support to those bloggers whose opinions are being systematically silenced by concervative pro-government editors.
My full name will still appear on the author page and I will make no efforts to hide my true identity - this is a symbolic protest only!
3. I will not be bullied into silence and wow to make my future writings edgier than ever before! I will continue to critizise religion and right-wing nuts while also keeping the personal elements and humor intact. This blog will continue to be a strange mixed bag as I refuse to box myself in to a specific topic or style. As before, I will write about my personal thoughts and experiences pertaining to my interests which include: Aviation, Technology, Politics, Gay rights issues, Secularism and the seperation of Church and State, etc.
4. As I continue to evolve as a human being, I reserve the right to make further changes to this blog as I deem fit.
Thanks to all those who encouraged me to continue blogging and thanks for staying with me! And a very warm welcome to my new readers as I take this step into the wild blue yonder of the international blogosphere!
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